Thursday, February 09, 2006


well, i was so sick last night that i wasn't able to preach. but, it didn't matter because God doesn't need me to move in the lives of others. the night before as i layed in bed between my frequent trips to the bathroom to "pray" i mentioned to my wife jeanette that i didn't know what i was going to do about the service if i even felt half this bad there was no way that i would be able to preach. after she left to go get me some medicine from wal-mart she came back and walked in the room and said "i can preach". "WOW, okay", i said. so she did. all i had to do last night was get up and do the announcements and the offering while trying not to "pray" on everyone in the front row. she preached an amazing message, was inspiringly confident, and made me oh so proud to be her husband. when she did the altar call 12 people took a stand to give their lives to Christ in front of all their peers. i was so pumped! several people asked me after the service what i thought. i simply replied, "i think i'm going to have her preach more often." if you'd like to learn more about my beautiful, lovely, anointed wife go check her out at or

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Hey Baby....I just wanted to thank you again for always encouraging me to be who you believe I can be. I am in AWE of you everyday. You are such an amazing inspiration to me and I can't wait to see what new heights God takes us to! I love you!