Sunday, August 27, 2006

frisbee golf

i went and played frisbee golf today with my father-in-law and my brother-in-law. there are some sports that i am really good at and some that i am really bad at. if you can call frisbee golf a sport, then i would say that is one that i am REALLY bad at. who would have ever thought that throwing a frisbee 300 yards and making it in a basket in 3 shots could be hard? it's dang near impossible for me!!! we had a lot of fun, but i was definitely reminded why i never played any positions in sports in which i had to throw anything.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


i've been in training since monday and it has been ALOT of learning. it's really been a lot of fun and i feel that i've been doing very well. the people in my class are a lot of fun and the trainer, Gary Westmoreland, is an AMAZING teacher! it's been a lot of fun learning all of the stuff that goes into helping someone buy a car and seeing the steps play out one by one. i hit the sales floor saturday and I AM SO EXCITED!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

lazy sunday

okay, i already know that some of you may judge me after reading this next sentence but, who cares. i slept until about 12:30pm today and it felt WONDERFUL! we have been running so much since we got moved and i really haven't had one day that i have slept in until today. heck, i wouldn't have had today to sleep in if my buddies hadn't canceled our round of golf on me last night. anyways, i think i ended up sleeping for about 12hrs or so. it was the kind of sleep that was totally unforced. i didn't wake up and make myself go back to bed. i just slept pretty much straight through. the rest of the day, i just kind of hung out with jeanette and watched tiger woods dominate the PGA Championship and then we went to look at some houses. all in all, i got a whole lot of nothing accomplished today and it felt great!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

learning the business

today i went up to the dealership to hang out and kind of see how things run. i got to spend the day up in the booth with the owner and the sales manager to kind of see how the whole process of a car sale works. it was very interesting.

i have to say, i know that car salesmen and dealers get a pretty bad wrap from people who don't do the business honestly. i've been in the car business once before and the people were very crooked and very shady, therefore i did not stay but about a week to find it all out and i was gone from that place. that was many moons ago. working for the ORR Auto Group, i can already tell is going to be totally different from what ANYONE has ever expected from a car dealership. don't get me wrong, these people are in business to make money just like anyone else but there is nothing shady about what goes on at the dealership that i work at.

the first thing i heard out of the sales manager's mouth today as we were talking was, "don't ever tell a lie, always be upfront about everything with everyone." i was immediately impressed with his character and the way that both he and the owner run this dealership. all day long, they gave some of the best customer service that i have seen and were very upfront on every sale. i can already tell that i am going to like working for this company.

Friday, August 18, 2006

crazy week

wow, this has been a crazy week for us. we have had a ton of stuff going on since we got here late sunday night. it's nuts how much stuff you have to do when you move. change bank accounts, insurance, etc. we're finally starting to get somewhat settled in though. my boss invited me to come hang out with him tomorrow and kind of see how things work behind the scenes in the car business. i'm real excited to be starting this new job. i start my training next monday and will hit the sales floor the week after that. i can't wait!

Monday, August 14, 2006

we're here

well, we got in last night and got the truck unloaded and all ended up eating dominoe's pizza and hanging out until about 1:30am. thanks to everyone who helped us move and to all the wonderful people at the journey church that threw us an amazing baby shower before we left yesterday. we were very blessed. well, i gotta run, my awesome mother-in-law is making chicken enchilada casserole and daddy is hungry!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

moving tomorrow

well, i'm sitting up at my office eating a sonic reese's peanut butter cup blast and checking my email. we have pretty much finished packing and cleaning everything except for what we're going to need in the morning. this is a very torn moment in my life. i am partly sad to be leaving this little town and all of the wonderful friendships that i have made here, but i am also excited about the future that God has for us. we have a baby boy, Carson Matthew, on the way and a very bright future ahead of us. i can't say how excited i am about getting to be a daddy. i've not even gotten to see him or hold him in my arms, but at the same time, just knowing that he is on the way is one of the most fulfilling feelings that i have ever had. so, although i am sad about moving out of this era of my life, i am totally fulfilled in knowing that i am doing exactly what i am supposed to be doing as i enter a new era. as it has been said before, our best days truly are ahead...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

turn the page

for those of you who live in a cave somewhere, jeanette and i are moving back home to texarkana this weekend. this is one of the hardest decisions that we have ever had to make. we are TOTALLY in love with this church and our youth group. we have the most amazing group of teenagers that ANYONE could ever ask for.

as you all know, jeanette and i have been blessed with a miracle baby after trying for 6 years. we have always known that whenever we were able to have a baby that jeanette would stay home to take care of it. this is something that we have planned from day one and were willing to make whatever sacrifice that we had to make to see this happen. unfortunately, you can't get rich doing youth ministry. heck, you can barely afford to feed a family of squirrels doing youth ministry.

in light of this situation, God has opened a door, like he always does, and we will be moving back to texarkana to start a new chapter in our lives. once again, this is one of the hardest decisions that we have ever had to make because we love our church and our youth group so much. we just have to trust that God is always in control and that he directs our paths. i just thank Him for the inventions of MySpace, Instant Messaging and BLOGing that will help us to keep in touch with all of the close friends that we have made through out this Journey in our life. for those of you in sallisaw, we love you very much and will miss seeing you all of the time. please keep in touch with us and know that we will NEVER let go of you in our hearts, minds, and prayers. we love you dearly.
Your Friend,

Monday, August 07, 2006

Carson Matthew

we went to the doctor today to get a diagnosis of a screening test that jeanette had done last week for the baby. they were checking to see if the baby had down sendrome and some other stuff. after confirming that everything was okay, the nurse kept looking around at stuff. i was thinking, "what is she doing?" we are only in week 16 right now, so we're not SUPPOSED to find out the sex of the baby for another 4 WEEKS! she finally gets the position that she wants and then she just sits there for what seems like forever. the whole time i'm still trying to figure out why she's still playing around when she's supposed to be finished. she finally says, "move that foot baby" and shortly after that, it did. she took 2 quick pictures and said, "well, i'm not telling you 100% or not, BUT that's a BOY!!!" we were totally freaked out! we didn't think we were going to get to find out for another month and BAM! this lady has been doing this for over 20 years and the doctor said that she's NEVER been wrong. that's a pretty good percentage if you ask me. it's a shame she couldn't be a weather person. so, for those of you wanting to know what we're going to name him just look above. this is one of the happiest days of my life.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

praise you in the storm

i don't know if you've heard the song "praise you in the storm" by casting crowns or not, but this has become my life song over the past few months. i don't know what God holds for our future, but i do know that i will not stop praising him regardless of what happens. He is my strength, my hope, my deliverer, and my security. He is the one in whom i place my trust and my future. if you've not heard this song, i encourage you to listen to it and let it minister to you. God knows that i have over the past few months.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


we went this morning to the doctor to hear the baby's heartbeat. it took a minute before we could actually hear it over jeanette's heartbeat. i have to admit, it truly was amazing. we are so excited about getting the opportunity to be parents. this is something that we have been waiting for for almost 7 years.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


faith is walking when you can't see exactly where you're going. faith is believing when everyone else says that there is nothing to support what you believe. faith is taking that step off of what looks like a ledge and just knowing that God's hands will be there to support you. i get questioned about things that i do from time to time and sometimes i just don't have a logical answer that pleases their minds. i just have faith that in EVERY situation, my heavenly father is always there by my side, as a good friend said, "holding my hand". i am not able to explain everything to everyone. i just know that it is in times that i can't see exactly where i'm going, no one believes that i am right and i am stepping off of what looks like a ledge...i have faith that God is holding my hand...