Thursday, July 27, 2006

i can't swim

being that it is summer time right now, alot of people talk about going to the lake and going swimming and fun stuff of that nature. well, i have an embarrassing secret to tell you all, i can't swim. those of you who know me really well already knew that as well as the reason why. for those of you who don't, here it goes.

i was born with holes in both of my ear drums and they will never close up. it affects my hearing as well as other things. i can't get water in my ears or i will get a really bad ear infection that hurts like all get out. i know what some of you are thinking, "how do you take a shower?" well, trust me, after the first couple of ear infections you learn real quick how to take a shower without getting water in your ears. however, there was never any way of getting around learning how to swim without getting water in my ears. because, ear plugs work for normal people but, what they don't realize is they still get a little bit of water in their ears. and just that little bit would cause me a lot of pain for a long time. so, i never learned to swim. there you go, that's my dirty little secret. what's yours?

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