Monday, March 27, 2006

What a Weekend...

wow, what a weekend indeed. we had operation freedom friday night and had 55 teenagers there along with about 20 parents and volunteers. we had some crazy, stupid fun. i swear the adults had as much fun as the youth did. operation freedom lasted until 9pm and then we had Jeff and Kim Livsey, who were interviewing for our Children's Pastor position, come in at about 10:30 that night. after showing them around, talking with them and getting to know them a little we finally left for home at about 1:30am.

naturally, after getting home, my lovely wife wanted to keep me up until 3am asking about every detail from the minute she left the church to my arriving at our front door. we woke up bright and early saturday morning to the sound of the sun rising (it seemed like). then took Jeff and Kim around town showing them rental properties and the rest of Sallisaw. after eating lunch, we had meetings with them and church volunteers until about 5:30pm and dinner at Dr. Rick and Karen Robbins home until about 9:30pm. after which we wisked away to the prom at the high school to have some fun. crashing in bed with my mind still going about 90mph i finally reached REM sleep at about 2am.

Jeff and Kim did both children's services sunday morning, which i sat in on, and did a phenomenal job! we finally got home from church at about 2pm and i immediately crashed until about 6:30pm. after spending all weekend with this couple, jeanette and i have two new great friends. they are amazing people and i really do hope that God allows it all to work out with them coming here. i personally believe that we already have the most amazing church anywhere in the area and they would compliment our church and our way of doing ministry excellently. i am just so excited about all that God is doing here at the Journey Church! I am Living the Dream...

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

It was a crazy action packed weekend. I am very excited about having some new friends too. I am extremely happy and excited about all that is going on at Journey Church. God is so good to bless us like this. I can't believe it still.