Sunday, August 20, 2006

lazy sunday

okay, i already know that some of you may judge me after reading this next sentence but, who cares. i slept until about 12:30pm today and it felt WONDERFUL! we have been running so much since we got moved and i really haven't had one day that i have slept in until today. heck, i wouldn't have had today to sleep in if my buddies hadn't canceled our round of golf on me last night. anyways, i think i ended up sleeping for about 12hrs or so. it was the kind of sleep that was totally unforced. i didn't wake up and make myself go back to bed. i just slept pretty much straight through. the rest of the day, i just kind of hung out with jeanette and watched tiger woods dominate the PGA Championship and then we went to look at some houses. all in all, i got a whole lot of nothing accomplished today and it felt great!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

It was great wasn't it!!!!