Sunday, March 04, 2007

day off

i absolutely love my days off. every saturday night i stay up with carson and then get up with him to feed him for his late night/mid morning feeding and then again at breakfast time. due to my work schedule i'm only able to do this once a week when i have the next day off. nett likes it cause she gets some uninterrupted rest and i love it because i finally get some alone time with just me and my boy. after doing this every week, i really don't understand those dads that don't do that kind of stuff with their children. they try to play it off as "being the woman's job", but to me it just sounds like a lazy dad that tries to do as little as possible to get by. heck, i'd stay up with him every night if i didn't have to work such a crazy schedule. it's the highlight of my week. well, i'm fixing to go watch him sleep now until he gets up so i can feed him dinner. i hope you enjoy your day off as much as i do!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

You are such an awesome Daddy...I knew you were going to be great but I am blown away at just how great you are! I am very very lucky to have you...I love you so much! Thank you for the sleep...It is also the highlight of my week...hee hee