Friday, May 05, 2006


you know, there is a phrase that never ceases to be funny to me. i can be sitting in the most serious conversation and at any point take just about anything that anyone i'm talking to says, and turn it into a mama joke. i know, i know, i am extremely immature and need to grow up. but, your mama jokes never seem to lose their humor. i've heard that there's even a show on MTV devoted to "Your Mama" jokes now. in fact, i use the statement so much, we're going to make a shirt for our youth group that says "Your Mom Goes to Journey Church". HOW COOL IS THAT?! i can tell that some people around my age, 20s and 30s, get preturbed by my uncanny ability to turn anything they say into a "Yo Mama" joke. so, you guys tell me, am i really still that immature or am i justified in admiring a timeless phrase that has been engrained in our culture? seriously, leave a comment, i want to know. if you don't have a blogger account just click on anonymous and put your name at the end of your comment. let's see what everyone else thinks about YOUR MOM, 'cause i know i love her...


Pastor Jeff said...

Your mom deleted my comment

Jeanette said...

How is your mom anyway?

Matt said...

i don't know, I JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH YOUR MOM AND SHE WASN'T SURE EITHER!ooohhhhh...okay, that was lame, i'll work on it.