Sunday, April 16, 2006

the little things make a BIG difference

well, as you may have read, i went and got my 4-wheeler last sunday and when we got it home and started to ride it, it wasn't performing like i remembered it. which was odd, because the motor had been completely rebuilt recently. so, me and a couple of guys in our youth group, aaron and ryan, started taking things apart and cleaned out the air filter, which was filthy, and changed the spark plug and IMMEDIATELY it was running like brand new again. it's just so amazing to me that the smallest things can make such a BIG difference. it's funny, that the same is true in life. it's the little things, like just spending a little time with God each day and surrounding yourself with great people who lift you up, that can make your life so much better. so, try your best to do a little maintenence that will enhance your life a GREAT deal this week.


AUNY said...

that's very thought provoking.

Jeanette said...

I think I may need an oil change...:)